How to Get Rid of Flies in Chicken Coop

Are you fed up with the buzzing sound of flies around your chicken coop? If yes, I understand your dire need to eliminate the flies. Flies are prevalent in areas with livestock, and chickens are no exception. To get rid of flies in a chicken coop, clean the chicken’s droppings every morning with a mixture … Read more

Snakes in Chicken Coop + How to Keep Them Out

How to Keep Snakes Out of Chicken Coop

Snakes can find their way into a chicken coop while looking for food. Snakes in a chicken coop can eat chicks, eggs, chicken feed, and rodents hiding in a chicken house. Therefore, a big coop provides them with both food and shelter. To keep snakes out of a chicken coop, block any entrance and exit … Read more

Raising Ducks and Chickens Together

Raising chickens can be fun and profitable. However, consider raising different poultry birds together if you want to take your poultry farming adventure to another level. You can mix your chicken flock with quails, geese, turkeys, ducks, etc.  Ducks and chickens can be raised together, even under one house unit. However, it would be best to … Read more

Can Quails and Chickens Live Together?

Are you wondering how to raise chicken and quails together? Is it even possible to raise the two birds together? Besides quails and chickens, you can always raise different poultry birds on your farm. However, it would be best if you did it correctly to achieve the results you are looking for. This post will … Read more

Chicken Coop Smell: Causes + How to Keep it Fresh

Chicken coop smell

According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, poultry requires well-ventilated housing with clean air. However, this is not readily achievable as chicken coops become smelly over time. But what causes this irritating smell? Chicken poop contains nitrogen, which produces a stinking ammonia odor when mixed with moisture. To stop a chicken coop from smelling, … Read more

Can Guinea Fowls Fly? Here’s What to Do

A guinea fowl has wings and can fly at an estimated 5-10 mph speed. They can cover a distance of 100-160 meters above the ground while flying. However, when a predator appears, they prefer running rather than flying. This implies that if you must keep them, put them in a cage to prevent them from … Read more

Can Ducks and Chickens Mate?

If you have kept ducks and chickens, you must have seen a rooster trying to mate with a female duck. A drake will also try matting with a female chicken. It is a challenge to many poultry farmers. But we’ve come through to help you answer common questions on ducks and chickens matting.  Although they … Read more

Do Pigeons Lay Eggs? When + What to Do

Female pigeons lay eggs at around 5 to 6 months of age. They can lay infertile eggs without a male. Those eggs cannot produce young ones. The best way to check if those eggs are fertile or not is 5 days after laying. A female pigeon will lay eggs when it is sexually mature after … Read more

Why Do Geese Abandon Their Eggs?

Anyone who keeps geese might have come across a challenge of one or two of them abandoning their eggs. They indeed leave their eggs, but do you know why they do so? We’ve gathered more information about geese leaving their eggs, so keep reading. Geese may abandon their eggs because of predators around nesting areas, incubation … Read more

Can Ducks Have Watermelon?

Ducks are fruit lovers. If this sounds funny to you, take a piece of watermelon and give it to your ducks, their willingness to devour it will tell you how much they enjoy the fruit. Watermelon is a tasty and healthy fruit that can serve as a snack for your ducks during summer. Anytime you buy … Read more