Poultry Incinerators: Efficient Waste Management Solutions For Farms

Poultry incinerators play a crucial role in the poultry industry, offering an effective solution for waste management. These specialized machines are designed to safely and efficiently dispose of poultry waste, reducing the risk of disease and contamination. By converting waste into ash, poultry incinerators help maintain a cleaner, more sustainable environment for poultry farms. The poultry … Read more

Can Turkeys Fly?

Here's How to Stop Turkeys from Flying

A short answer is yes; turkeys can fly at an average speed of 25-30 miles per hour. They can go up to 50 feet from the ground and cover a maximum distance of 92 meters. When flying, turkeys can only go up to 100 yards from their take-off point. Additionally, they only do so if … Read more

Turkey Molting: Causes + When They Molt

Turkey Molting

Every year, turkeys shed their old feathers to create space for new ones to grow. Growing new feathers is a natural process designed to maintain its overall well-being. Molting also protects them against cold winter conditions. Turkeys in the northern hemisphere will start molting in December, while those in the southern hemisphere begin in June. Annual … Read more

How to Keep Wild Turkeys Out of Your Yard

How to Keep Wild Turkeys Out of Your Yard

You can keep wild turkeys out of your yard by removing any food sources that attract them. They will reduce their visits if they cannot get anything to eat. For instance, fence plants bearing fruits will attract them. Avoid having plants that turkeys love eating, like oak trees and berry bushes. Will mothballs keep turkeys away? … Read more

Wild Turkeys Digging up Lawn + How to Stop Them.

Turkeys digging up grass is not a bad sign because they are just looking for food. However, their digging activities can destroy new grass on the lawn. Notably, turkeys’ feed ranges from small insects like grasshoppers and ground beetles to seeds and grasses. Therefore, turkeys are likely to dig up grass in search of such … Read more